I am a secretary in an elementary school. I am convinced that we have the cutest and smartest kids in our school. I love my job even when some of the little angels "lose their halos" and have to spend time in the office.
I am amazed on a daily basis at the things that they say. Today a little sweetheart came to my office on an errand for her teacher. She is in the first grade. Our conversation went like this:Ellie (eyes dancing): “Oooo – those are cute little note pads! What do you use them for?”
Me: “I use them to write notes on when I mark pages or forms.”
Ellie: “They sure are small. They are small enough for a mouse to write on.”
Me: “If you were a mouse, what would you write on the little note pad?”
Ellie(very slow and thoughtful): “I would make a grocery list.”
Me: “What would you put on the grocery list?”
Ellie: “What do mice like to eat?”
Me: “Cheese, peanut butter.”
Ellie (eyes dancing again): “Peanut butter and crackers are my favorite.”
Me: “Do you like crunchy or smooth peanut butter?”
Ellie: “Smooth.”
Me: “Me too.”
Ellie: "I would put cheese and smooth peanut butter on the list."
In my mind, I could see a little mouse, with a long tail, holding a large pencil trying to writing out his grocery list for the week.
smooth peanut butter
Ellie is a girl after my own heart. We both like cute little note pads, smooth peanut butter, and we both have vivid imaginations. If only I had some peanut butter and crackers in my desk. We could have had a picnic……